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Travel by Bus

I recomend trip by bus in Botswana. 


How to use

Each town has "Bus Rank", means bus terminal. You go to Bus Rank. You have to ask someone in Bus Rank which bus will take you to the destination. (ex. Ladies in Tak shop or bus drivers and conductors) 
Then you get on the bus and just wait. After bus leave Bus Rank, the conductor will start to collect money. You just tell your destination. You pay and get the ticket. If they don't have change, you don't need to worry, the conductor will give you change before destination. (But sometimes they can not get enough coins to give you change.)
Below is Bus route map.

Price is in proportion to distance. Below is the Price list. It will depend on bus company, but almost same.

Gaborone - Ghanzi  145BWP

Gaborone - Maun 195BWP

Photos  Left: Mini Bus(from Francistown to Gweta), Right: Bus Rank (Letlhakane)

International Bus
Gaborone - Windwook (Namibia)
Gaborone - Johannesburg (South Africa)
Gaborone - Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Namibia etc...

It is convenient and reasonable if you move around the town. This link is Kombi route map. *this route map is not complete.


Kombi Route Map 2014

Photos  Left: Kombi stop in Gaborone, Right: Kombi in Bus Rank in Francistown


Some lodges need taxi to get there from Bus Rank. 1drop almost 30 - 50 pula in the same city. If you need to go long dicetance, it would be different. 
ex) Gaborone city to Airport is 100 - 200BWP


But almost Botswana people is not strong negosiater. (If you meet such person, I think it is rare case.) 

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